A woman who eats while looking at the camera (mug cup)

hand holding rice in colander

A woman who eats with her chin resting while looking at the camera

Fruits on a plate and bowls of cereal and nuts

rice scooped with both hands

Camote camote

Milk, sweets and folding fan

Milk and sweets 2

soybeans and rice

Grano del maíz

Juice, sweets and folding fan placed in the garden 5

A woman eating breakfast with a smile in the dining room

Corn hanging on a fence

Woman eating breakfast in the dining room

Juice, sweets and folding fan placed in the garden 6

Grano de maíz 4

A woman picking strawberries for breakfast in the dining room

Woman picking strawberries in dining room and looking at camera

hand spilling rice

Grano y maíz 12

Juice, sweets and folding fan placed in the garden 4

woman having breakfast in the dining room

porción de la suciedad de la de maíz 1

Grano y maíz 5

Rice in a masu and surrounding rice

rice in a bowl

Dos de maíz

Pasta 67

White rice spilled from a masu

Corn 9

La punta de la maíz hasta 3

Top view of masu and overflowing rice

Rice piled up in a masu

Grano del maíz sobre la mesa

porción de la suciedad de la Corn 3

Berry Granola

hand spilling rice

La punta de la maíz hasta 4

rice spilling from palm

hand spilling rice

Cielo y el maíz

Maíz en las hojas 2

Both hands spilling rice grains

Corn 4 dobla por la mitad

Con un grano de maíz

Corn 5 dobla por la mitad

Hand holding colander with white rice

A hand holding a colander containing rice

hand spilling rice

Se dobla por la mitad de maíz 2

Corn 3 dobla por la mitad

Both hands holding a colander with rice

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