Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Evening view from Umi-Shibaura Station

A sandpiper carefully searches for food near the water

A sandpiper carefully searches for food near the water

Sparrows lined up on a bridge girder

Winter sparrows gather on a small tree beside a rice field

Winter sparrows gather on a small tree beside a rice field

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through the piles of fallen leaves

A turtle dove strolling through fallen leaves

Clear winter sky and adorable long-tailed tits

National Highway Station

Twin panda babies

miniature dachshund puppy

sitting miniature dachshund puppy

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

Daurian redstarts announce their territory with their beautiful voices

In front of Keikyu Tsurumi Station

Tsurumi Station


Winter messenger, the Daurian redstart

Night view

Cityscape with outdoor unit

Crying child

Smiley red panda


Cat and flowers

Tsurumi River-curving river

Cherry blossoms and the water surface through the branches

Cherry blossoms in full bloom reflected in the lake

Walking Beaver

Scenery of a pond with cherry blossoms blooming

Lakeside with cherry blossoms in full bloom

Swimming Beaver

Beautiful view of the lake and cherry blossoms

Standing Beaver

Keikyu Tsurumi Station West Exit

Baby cheeks

Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park 14

Keikyu Tsurumi station station sign

Keikyu Tsurumi Station

I eat grass because I get heartburn.

Thank you very much for the deer crackers.

Scenery with deer in Nara Park

Ah, no one will give me deer crackers

A lively expression of a fawn

I can't get any deer crackers so I'm eating grass

Fresh black hair is cool, right?

There are foreign tourists over there.

Is there anything to eat?

The soothing profile of a deer

Very cute deer

It feels so good to have my head stroked

Can you make a picture of this pose?

Is my photo cute?

Thank you for caring

When you think of Nara, you think of deer

Profile of an innocent fawn

A deer with beautiful eyes

I'm curious about what's going on around me

Your sharp face is lovely.

Night view

Night view



Sakuya Konohanakan

Vases such as kimchi

Yokohama City Rural Life Center Miso Park, Yokomizo Mansion (Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)

Keikyu Tsurumi Station

Guinea pig

Protected abandoned cat

Guinea pig

Tsurumi station station name sign, 150th anniversary of railway opening

Yokohama Tsurumi Floor tiles

Sakuya Konohanakan


Keikyu 1000 type 1367 formation

Yokohama City Rural Life Center Miso Park, Yokomizo Mansion (Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
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